Let’s get started!

Are you ready to start booking a sitter through Mollycoddlers?


Download our free booking app on the App Store for Ios or Android and click “register” to set up your family account. Enter your zip code or type in “Mollycoddlers” to find us. You are now ready to begin booking!

Not ready to download the app?  You can still enter your request through our Booking Request form found under the "Services" tab.

If your zip code is out of our service area, give us a call! We are always looking for new neighborhoods that are in need of our services.


You can now use the app to easily book babysitters for your home, hotel/vacation sitter needs!

When you are matched with a sitter you will receive a notification which includes a photo, information on that sitter's education & experience and contact information. Please feel free to include any special notes or preferences (age, gender, etc) in the notes box when booking.

Questions? Call us! 949-275-5437 or Email us! [email protected]

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